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How to play:
- The hint numbers on each row and column tell you how many squares you need to fill in for that row or column.
- If a hint said '5', you would need to fill in all 5 of the squares like 'OOOOO' (where 'O' is filled, 'x' is not filled).
- If a hint said '2 2', you would need to fill 2 squares, then leave at least 1 blank space, then fill in another 2 squares. This would look like 'OOxOO'
Some hints like '2 1' have multiple solutions: 'OOxOx',
'OOxxO', or 'xOOxO'. These ones require that you have found
some other information about the board before fully filling
that row in.
- Notice that it is safe to fill in the second square with the hint '2 1' since it will be filled no matter which of the 3 possibilities is the correct one.
The key to success is marking which squares to avoid filling
in when you can (by right-clicking).
- For example, if a row had the hint '1 1' and was filled like 'O????'(where '?' means you aren't sure if it should be an 'O' or 'x'), you could change this to 'Ox???' because the second square cannot possibly be filled as this would violate the first hint number which is a 1.
How to win:
- Once you have filled in the 'O' squares such that every row and column has its conditions satisfied, the board will change colors to indicate that you have won. Click "New Game" to start a new game.
- You may occasionally have a puzzle with multiple solutions. Any valid solution will be marked as correct.
- Left-click a square to fill it in. Left-click the square to reset it.
- Right-click a square to mark that it should not be filled in. Right-click the square to reset it.
- Click "New Game" to start a new game.
- Click "Restart" to clear the current board so you can try again.
Click the "Show Example Puzzle" button to abandon the current
game and show an example of a solved puzzle.
- If you have never played before, it is recommended that you do this to get a better feel for how the hint numbers and squares work together.
1 | 1 3 | 2 2 | 3 | 1 1 | |
2 1 | |||||
1 | |||||
1 1 | |||||
5 | |||||
3 |
File Creation
Created 2025-02-28T18:20:10.348Z -- Seed JtuojtM8s4ApiMW-oJvkC1 -- Settings String 6sI3n2EPC_-CeQ4o6Z92FCdZvylb5er6erCEv_AvVkbqkbqkbqk1mE1mE1mE1mE1mE1mE1mE3_fqUgx6eC3LAPe56G1zddNXmYwZAMM2N8RTZ5J-LtvFMhWpKv77AzbukwAexYfYaHAD0vBsCCh4smTyAXQz5DDCoIOkXs40j_AD0L3jSoZDhBqGozRjzoSKfWfpIeh1Eb89GcyRMfEciXs2qjMiCJleD4SDvoYXJI7FijkePB13_W
Wii: ip_uig_gNN
Created | Fri, 2/28/2025, 6:20:10 PM UTC |
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Custom text will be mostly English until more translations are done
in a future update.
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logicRules: | Glitchless |
castleRequirements: | Fused_Shadows |
palaceRequirements: | Open |
faronWoodsLogic: | Open |
shuffleGoldenBugs: | true |
shuffleSkyCharacters: | true |
shuffleNpcItems: | true |
shufflePoes: | Vanilla |
shuffleShopItems: | true |
shuffleHiddenSkills: | true |
itemScarcity: | Vanilla |
damageMagnification: | Vanilla |
bonksDoDamage: | false |
shuffleRewards: | false |
smallKeySettings: | Own_Dungeon |
bigKeySettings: | Own_Dungeon |
mapAndCompassSettings: | Start_With |
skipPrologue: | true |
faronTwilightCleared: | true |
eldinTwilightCleared: | true |
lanayruTwilightCleared: | true |
skipMdh: | true |
skipMinorCutscenes: | true |
skipMajorCutscenes: | true |
fastIronBoots: | true |
quickTransform: | true |
transformAnywhere: | true |
increaseWallet: | true |
modifyShopModels: | true |
trapFrequency: | None |
barrenDungeons: | true |
goronMinesEntrance: | Open |
skipLakebedEntrance: | false |
skipArbitersEntrance: | true |
skipSnowpeakEntrance: | false |
skipGroveEntrance: | true |
totEntrance: | None |
skipCityEntrance: | false |
instantText: | true |
openMap: | true |
increaseSpinnerSpeed: | false |
openDot: | true |
noSmallKeysOnBosses: | true |
startingToD: | Noon |
hintDistribution: | Season_1 |
randomizeStartingPoint: | true |
shuffleRupees: | false |
hcShortcut: | true |
startingItems: | Shadow_Crystal, Hawkeye, Giant_Bomb_Bag, Horse_Call, City_in_The_Sky_Small_Key, Hyrule_Castle_Small_Key, Hyrule_Castle_Small_Key, Hyrule_Castle_Small_Key, Hyrule_Castle_Big_Key, Mirror_Chamber_Portal, Sacred_Grove_Portal, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Poe_Soul, Progressive_Sky_Book, Progressive_Sky_Book, Progressive_Sky_Book, Progressive_Sky_Book, Progressive_Sky_Book, Progressive_Sky_Book, North_Faron_Woods_Gate_Key, Gate_Keys, Goron_Mines_Key_Shard, Goron_Mines_Key_Shard, Faron_Woods_Coro_Key |
excludedChecks: | Agitha Female Ant Reward, Agitha Female Beetle Reward, Agitha Female Dayfly Reward, Agitha Female Ladybug Reward, Agitha Female Mantis Reward, Agitha Female Phasmid Reward, Agitha Female Pill Bug Reward, Agitha Female Snail Reward, Agitha Female Stag Beetle Reward, Agitha Male Beetle Reward, Agitha Male Butterfly Reward, Agitha Male Dayfly Reward, Agitha Male Dragonfly Reward, Agitha Male Grasshopper Reward, Agitha Male Ladybug Reward, Agitha Male Phasmid Reward, Agitha Male Pill Bug Reward, Agitha Male Stag Beetle Reward, Barnes Bomb Bag, Bridge of Eldin Female Phasmid, Bridge of Eldin Male Phasmid, Bulblin Camp First Chest Under Tower At Entrance, Bulblin Camp Roasted Boar, Bulblin Camp Small Chest in Back of Camp, Bulblin Guard Key, Castle Town Malo Mart Magic Armor, Cats Hide and Seek Minigame, Cave of Ordeals Great Fairy Reward, Death Mountain Alcove Chest, Doctors Office Balcony Chest, Eldin Field Female Grasshopper, Eldin Field Male Grasshopper, Faron Field Female Beetle, Faron Field Male Beetle, Faron Woods Golden Wolf, Gerudo Desert Female Dayfly, Gerudo Desert Golden Wolf, Gerudo Desert Male Dayfly, Hyrule Castle Big Key Chest, Hyrule Castle East Wing Balcony Chest, Hyrule Castle East Wing Boomerang Puzzle Chest, Hyrule Castle Graveyard Grave Switch Room Back Left Chest, Hyrule Castle Graveyard Grave Switch Room Front Left Chest, Hyrule Castle Graveyard Grave Switch Room Right Chest, Hyrule Castle Graveyard Owl Statue Chest, Hyrule Castle King Bulblin Key, Hyrule Castle Lantern Staircase Chest, Hyrule Castle Main Hall Northeast Chest, Hyrule Castle Main Hall Northwest Chest, Hyrule Castle Main Hall Southwest Chest, Hyrule Castle Southeast Balcony Tower Chest, Hyrule Castle Treasure Room Eighth Small Chest, Hyrule Castle Treasure Room Fifth Chest, Hyrule Castle Treasure Room Fifth Small Chest, Hyrule Castle Treasure Room First Chest, Hyrule Castle Treasure Room First Small Chest, Hyrule Castle Treasure Room Fourth Chest, Hyrule Castle Treasure Room Fourth Small Chest, Hyrule Castle Treasure Room Second Chest, Hyrule Castle Treasure Room Second Small Chest, Hyrule Castle Treasure Room Seventh Small Chest, Hyrule Castle Treasure Room Sixth Small Chest, Hyrule Castle Treasure Room Third Chest, Hyrule Castle Treasure Room Third Small Chest, Hyrule Castle West Courtyard Central Small Chest, Hyrule Castle West Courtyard North Small Chest, Iza Raging Rapids Minigame, Jovani 60 Poe Soul Reward, Kakariko Gorge Female Pill Bug, Kakariko Gorge Male Pill Bug, Kakariko Graveyard Golden Wolf, Kakariko Graveyard Male Ant, Kakariko Village Female Ant, Kakariko Village Malo Mart Hawkeye, Kakariko Village Malo Mart Hylian Shield, Kakariko Village Malo Mart Red Potion, Kakariko Village Malo Mart Wooden Shield, Lake Hylia Bridge Female Mantis, Lake Hylia Bridge Male Mantis, Lake Lantern Cave Eighth Chest, Lake Lantern Cave Eleventh Chest, Lake Lantern Cave End Lantern Chest, Lake Lantern Cave Fifth Chest, Lake Lantern Cave First Chest, Lake Lantern Cave Fourteenth Chest, Lake Lantern Cave Fourth Chest, Lake Lantern Cave Ninth Chest, Lake Lantern Cave Second Chest, Lake Lantern Cave Seventh Chest, Lake Lantern Cave Sixth Chest, Lake Lantern Cave Tenth Chest, Lake Lantern Cave Third Chest, Lake Lantern Cave Thirteenth Chest, Lake Lantern Cave Twelfth Chest, Lanayru Field Female Stag Beetle, Lanayru Field Male Stag Beetle, North Castle Town Golden Wolf, Ordon Spring Golden Wolf, Outside Arbiters Grounds Lantern Chest, Outside South Castle Town Female Ladybug, Outside South Castle Town Golden Wolf, Outside South Castle Town Male Ladybug, Sacred Grove Female Snail, Sacred Grove Male Snail, Sera Shop Slingshot, Skybook From Impaz, Snowboard Racing Prize, Talo Sharpshooting, Upper Zoras River Female Dragonfly, West Hyrule Field Female Butterfly, West Hyrule Field Golden Wolf, West Hyrule Field Male Butterfly, Zoras Domain Male Dragonfly |
Logo and background image are property of Nintendo. Copyright ©
Nintendo, 1998-2025.
Based off the original website design by Luneyes. Generator created by Lunar Soap and Isaac. Logo edited by MelonSpeedruns. Patcher integration by Kip
Based off the original website design by Luneyes. Generator created by Lunar Soap and Isaac. Logo edited by MelonSpeedruns. Patcher integration by Kip